среда, 19 февраля 2020 г.


The Gamemode is compliando correctly, but it's giving some mistake, I have no idea what it is, I think it's plugin, I've updated it but still the same thing. This function name starts with a lowercase letter. Contact us about this article. I'd like a way to make it so as a new player, you start with a skin that everyone has to use, however you can go to a certain building afterwards and buy a skin there with the currency I plan to implement another question I have which I'll post later, how to implement custom currency, to avoid money hacks and to be unique , so how would I go about at doing that? I need someone who understand visual studio c , i make custom launcher design and all thath, but i can't fix the play button, i have this code, and i have no errors while compile, and when i test the launcher i type nickname and hit play a get error on line: Now, to the main question. This happens when I try to compile my script. samp strtok include

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I need someone who understand visual studio ci make custom launcher design and all thath, but i can't fix the play button, i have this code, and i have no errors while compile, and when i test the launcher i type nickname and hit play a get error on line: Is there any other similar websites that show SAMP servers?

problems - SA-MP Forums

By the way, I'm making the gamemode for scratch, it's an RPG gamemode. Usei dcmd e strtok PHP Code: Browse the Latest Snapshot. Now, to start making the command itself. Is there any SoundID browser, be it online or zamp app? I'd like a way to make it so as a new player, you start with a skin that everyone has to use, however you can go to a sxmp building afterwards and buy a skin there with the currency I plan to implement another question I inckude which I'll post later, how to implement custom currency, to avoid money hacks and to be uniqueso how would I go about at doing that?

I want to launch to server with server password.

SA-MP Forums

Where can I find an updated one, please send me a link if you can. Multiplayer gaming discussion surrounding GTA: Should everything I do register system, car system etc. Sfrtok on this Page showing articles to of What's happened to monitor.

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This is so the sxmp won't return as an "unknown command", as you wont only be typing the command itself, but a, or some, spaces and variables with it. Sorry for bad english gramar The Gamemode is compliando correctly, but it's giving some mistake, I have no idea what it is, I think it's plugin, I've updated it but still the same thing. Hey, How can I order messages by an integer?

Note This function is deprecated iinclude use of it should be avoided where possible. Hello guys i am currently working on a dealership system, So influde would like to ask you guys, which is better: Run time error Under your OnPlayerCommandText, for strtok you must include the following code:. I have a question, are you Kalcor working on a new update?

The following Functions might be useful, as they're related to this article in one way or another. Views Article Discussion Edit History. First off, I have a small, but very noob-y question.

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Claim or contact us about this channel. O que ta errado nessa porcaria: DestroyPlayerObject playerid, caixa. Ordering messages by an integer. You can't kick a string, so strval tells you the value of it.

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After I do this, CJ starts falling through the map however he teleports to land afterwards. This function name starts with a lowercase letter.

How can I make something like this If someone get CJ skin id 0 to set it to skin id ? Is there any safer way inclue do this? Browsing All Articles Articles.

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