суббота, 22 февраля 2020 г.


Error when changing parking sistem type from the airport customization dialog. In my case it is checked as I installed the product properly. Fixed a problem resulting in airports with no parkings not being discarded automatically in some cases. INI files differed in case. Custom Camera system, to easily focus GSX objects activities. couatl fsx

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Couatl™ Live update release notes

A cargo door can now support multiple ULD types. Sep 1st New feature: Fixed duplicate section in the Pallet SIM. Walking floor height compensation, to prevent people feet showing up from below.

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Fixed Deicer effect not fully visible. All PMDG variants supported. Fixed engine status detection if engines were started before GSX asked for a Startup before Push coualt. Refueling not stopping anymore when quantity requested exceeded the tanker capacity and the "Multiple Trips" option was disabled.

Couatl and FSX-SE - MS FSX | FSX-SE Forum - The AVSIM Community

Automatic jetway undocking is now performed only after calling for Departure, to prevent fss of jetway power at the end of Boarding. What's up with forum signing up at fsdt and being "approved"? Loadmaster or Crew sometimes sticking out the airplane during pushback. New reference markers for Cargo Main and Preferred Exit doors. Live Update system completely rewritten, based on Amazon Web Services.

August 9th Fixed a bug with vehicles, requiring a Couatl restart after a flight. Fix an fx in the Battery Charger if the airplane has a maximum voltage set to 0 in the aircraft. BaggageTrain when Deboarding in new parking.

Ability to place a Marshaller couaatl Visual Docking System on any airport. Sep 13th Fixed a bug with XML expression evaluation in custom airplane configurations. When multiple parking spots with a different number of jetways are selected, there will be as many jetways tabs as the minumum common denominator.

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Scania CT to be used for the A Posted July 28, This caused a problem with the airplane slewing away very fast, if the null zone wasn't set correctly, which is now fixed.

We included support for the following airplanes, which are now configured to use the Main Cargo door on the left side of the airplane: Custom operator logo can be associated with several Base Color variations for most of the models, which are supplied in multiple base repaints. All times are GMT Fixed a problem which sometimes caused crashes in either ntdll.

Addon Mananger

Real human voices for Pushback and Deicing. Feb 17th Bugfix: June 14th Added several new hard points Engines, Water, Lavatory and Refuel in the Airplane Configuration Editor, to be used with future versions.

couatl fsx

Custom Pushback labels no longer lost when editing multiple parking spots at once. Added Dash8 Q recognition to the Docking System. Fixed user-created jetway still appearing after a Reset in parkings that didn't originally had a jetway.

GSX Not Showing Up :: Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition General Discussion Forum

Internal support for Leonardo Maddog X. July 29th Fixed a problem which could cause crashes in either ntdll. Fixed "cruise speed must be positive" error with Baggage Train.

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